Mario Kart: Double DEATH!!

I had always like the Mario Kart series. Some say Mario Kart 8 is the best, others say Mario Kart 64 is the best, and so on. My favorite, however, would have to be Mario Kart: Double Dash. So about a couple of months ago, I was on eBay and I saw someone selling a Gamecube with a copy of Mario Kart: Double Dash! It was really cheap only at $29.99! I immediately bought and said it would come in about three days.
Three days had passed and I heard a knock on the door. I got up too see who it was and when I opened the door there was a box. It was here! It was finally here! I picked up it up, went inside, and quickly ran up to my room to hook the Gamecube and play Double Dash. I turned on the TV and booted up the game. When I heard the familiar Gamecube jingle, nostalgia rushed through my mind. I remembered all the times I played with my friends. But then strange things started happening. The Nintendo logo came on and Mario screamed "Nintendo! Woohoo!" like usual, however his voice was slowed down and sounded demonic. Then the screen flickered black and white and skipped the cinematic opening. The title looked... different. Instead of showing all the characters racing, it showed Mario and Luigi in a dismantled Red Fire kart with cuts on their bodies and oozing blood in a black background. The "Mario Kart: Double Dash" logo looked rusted and had blood dripping from it. I wondered what was going on but decided to ignore it and move ahead. 
I chose Mario and Luigi as my characters and the Red Fire kart. The only cup that was available was called the Ад Cup. I found that "Ад" was Russian for "Hell". The cup only consisted of two courses, Baby Park and Rainbow Road. I was feeling really uneasy at this point, but I continued anyways. What could a game possibly do to me? 
I started the race on Baby Park and there were only two teams. Mario and Luigi and Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. Who were staring coldly at Mario and Luigi. This was starting to get really creepy. As soon as the race started the Baby Mario bros kept bumping into Mario and Luigi and eventually Luigi fell out of his kart. That never happened in the game! After that Baby Luigi got a green shell. He threw it directly at Luigi's skull. The screen cut to black as I heard Luigi scream in pain. After that the screen cut back in and the Baby Mario bros were seen passing the finish line and the screen displayed "1st: Baby Mario and Baby Luigi" and "666th: Mario and Luigi" and the next race started on Rainbow Road. 
I noticed that Mario and Luigi's models looked different. They looked beaten up with blood coming out of their eyes and noses. This time I was racing against Wario and Waluigi. They looked at me and I noticed their eyes were different. Their eyes were bloodshot and had really tiny pupils. What the hell was going on?! 
When the race started, there was something off about Rainbow Road. The sky was blood red instead of starry dark blue and there wasn't a city underneath. Instead it looked like... hell. Just like before, Wario and Waluigi kept bumping in to me. Eventually they got a red shell and hit me with and bumped me off the course. They started laughing as Mario and Luigi fell into the pits of hell, and there was a high pitched scream coming from the speakers and it scared me so much. 
After that, the game turned off and smoke started coming out of the Gamecube. I opened the disc tray and saw the disc had melted. I touched it and quickly put it back. It was scorching hot! I put on oven mitts, put the Gamecube in a plastic bag, and threw it in the trash can. I went onto my computer and went back to the user's page who selling the game but saw their account was deleted.
A few weeks had passed and I had forgotten about the whole experience game. Until tonight. It was early in the morning around 3 AM. I woke up to the sound of a car parking in my driveway. I got up, looked outside my window and I saw them. Mario and Luigi.